Frustrated Seniors Are Often Served Meals They Dislike Or Can’t Tolerate

Frustrated Seniors Are Often Served Meals They Dislike Or Can’t Tolerate

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Frustrated Seniors Are Often Served Meals They Dislike Or Can’t Tolerate 10 6 99

 Anyone who has aging parents knows how frustrating it can be to get them to eat — never mind eat well.Experts say that the reason for this "fickleness," is lack of control over their food choices as they begin to lose their independence. In addition, as we age, our stomachs often become more sensitive to different types of food, such as onions, peppers, tomato sauce, dairy, and hot spices.For these reasons, many seniors end up feeling hungry or deprived because they are stuck eating meals without choosing foods they crave.Most seniors would much prefer to pick their own meals rather than having them dictated to or chosen for them. They want the flexibility to pick their entree of choice with the starch and vegetables they prefer, instead of being forced to eat items they dislike. Also, for good reason, they want the flexibility to eliminate items from their meals that they cannot tolerate or are allergic to.If these choices aren’t available, then it’s a good bet that you or your senior parents are frustrated with the food choices, and parents end up not eating or at the very least not eating well, which can affect both temperament and health.To that point, eating well is vital for everyone at all ages. Daily food choices affect how you look and feel, and give you the nutrients needed to keep your muscles, bones, and organs healthy. Good food choices also help keep up your energy levels. If, like many adult children, you aren’t close enough to cook a few meals for your aging family member or they’re finding it harder to cook the meals they like themselves, you’re relegated to ordering in, which is both unhealthy and expensive.You can solve this problem by turning to a service such as which meets the needs of elderly parents and relatives. Unlike other services, all their meals are chef-prepared to order, and thus can be customized for diabetic, high protein, low carb, Paleo and other therapeutic is also a great option for single adults, empty nesters and people who are too busy to cook, but want healthy, familiar meals, in which they can choose every component, at an affordable price.Top Chef Meals are cooked to order and flash-frozen fresh. They are then delivered to customers in 1-3 days, depending on location, and are kept safe during transportation with dry ice. Any meal, once defrosted, needs to be baked for approximately 20 minutes. You can even use a microwave if you want to cheat. Most customers order bi-weekly because of lack of freezer space, even though meals can last up to four months frozen. The average meal is $7.50, much cheaper than even trying to cook at home. In addition, the company offers a 15 percent discount for everyone over 60, or those who are disabled or homebound.Top Chef Meals is the solution for seniors and for boomers with older parents who can’t regularly cook for themselves or get to a grocery store. Orders can be placed online, via email or over the phone, making it convenient for your parents, or for you, no matter where you’re located.All of the meals are handmade, home-style dishes, prepared one plate at a time with both care and safety.Have questions? Helpful service is available at 800-616-8044 or go to to see the enormous selection.– by Stephen Zadrick, an associate member of the International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association. 


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